Fun. – Adventure Club

I was on my way back from a place that shall remain nameless when I got when I felt my phone buzz. I hit connect and next thing I know I heard a voice yelling over my speaker.

“CAM-ER-ON!” Make that two voices. In unison.

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Adventure Club – Preview

Adventure Club - Preview

“How’ve you been man?”

He turned to me, nodded, and with the faint makings of a smile began, “You know what Big Guy, things are going pretty good,” We swiveled in our stools to face one another, “I’ve got this new job. And you know, it’s tough,” He paused, “But good. I think i’ll get the hang of it.” I smiled at him, then flipped my camera on, and started snapping photos of the market around me.

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2014 Demo Reel

Hot off the press is a cute little Demo Reel for you guys. It shows clips from a lot of my better projects from my freshmen year up until now.

Digging through my old projects on Vimeo was like a trip down memory lane. Video has a time capsule quality to it, especially when you’re a student, and your only actors on hand are your friends. It’s was kind of surreal going back to some of these videos and thinking how much has changed since then.


“It’s Valentines Day Moon Boy!” – A Photo Project

This week I wrapped up my first project for Photo 1. And while I’ve placed editing for the Euclid Project on the back burner until I have more free time, I haven’t stopped thinking about it. In this piece, i’ve got two of my close friends Jon and Kathryn to fill in for the roles of Moon Boy and Luna.

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A thick haze. 

I remember it tickled the hairs in my nose. 

Made my eyes water.

It stunk. 

There was a tiny orange and red light between each gray haze.

Smoke. And then a laugh.

I saw him before everything. Before the stars in the night sky above. 

Before the bark on the big tree, or it’s rustling trees.

Before all of that, it was Boy Black. His smoke. And his laugh.

“Rise and shine Moon Boy!” He cooed with a grin. 

And then, he revealed what was tucked under his arm. A gift.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Here.” 

Boy Black slowly handed me his welcoming present. My helmet.

Between puffs, he grinned wide. A toothy, impish smile, clouded by the thick, grey fog.

“Now you’re lookin’ the part. Welcome…to Euclid.” 

From Euclid, With Love – Verse 2

After a long delay, I’ve finally managed to get episode 2 of the Euclid project up.

We shot this episode over a two day span, thanks to the varying locations.

The episode takes place in four different areas; Euclid High, my parent’s basement, Walgreens ( a local convenient store), and a sex shop called Adult Mart. We were pretty worried about the Adult Mart scene, but the staff ended up being really excited about the shoot. The manager there, Hope, had apparently been wanting to do something like this for a while.

When we shot the following scene inside the interior of Walgreens, we met a kid there that was working the cash register. He wanted to be in the project so bad, he kept posing for the camera behind his register while we were filming. The scenes where he was doing his thing didn’t make it to the final cut, but I might have to call the kid if we ever do a sequel.

Pizza <3


Another Euclid Project goodie. This is a gif from the first episode, where our hero, Moon Boy, and his best friend Boy Black share a meal at Guys Pizza–a local spot that was happy to lend a hand during my shoot this week.

I hope you guys are enjoying the holidaze, and maybe even a slice of pizza today.